Future Katie May brides, get excited! We’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be hosting a Sample Sale on Sunday, January 24th, 2016 right here in LA! We only have 2 Sample Sales each year – one in January and one in the summer time – so you definitely don’t want to miss out on this chance to pick up one of our gorgeous gowns at an incredible price.
The January Sample Sale will be held at HNYPT Space (Honeypot LA), located at 212 W. 12th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Doors open at 10:00am and will stay open until 3:00pm, so you’ll have plenty of time to shop in the company of our expert Katie May style team. Gowns will start at $250, and at up to 90% off, we’re positive you’ll find your perfect gown at a price worth swooning over (in a good way!). Please note that no checks will be accepted, but cash and cards (Amex, Visa, Mastercard) are welcome!
We’ll have a wide variety of sizes available in most samples, and our huge lineup of styles will include: Monaco, Barcelona, Lanai, Princeville, Poipu, Vienna, Seychelles, Sienna, Verona, and Santorini. There will be over 100+ gowns there, and our talented team of Katie May stylists will be on hand to answer any questions and help you find the Katie May gown you’ve been dreaming of!
If you aren’t following us on all of our social media sites, now is the time to do so! We’ll be keeping you in the loop about all things Katie May as well as let you in on some special Sample Sale day-of perks like front-of-the-line passes, additional discounts, and more! You can find us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
If you aren’t able to make it out to LA in person for our Sample Sale, don’t sweat it! We’ll also be launching a special sample sale Katie May gown website, where brides can find their dream dress at a Sample Sale rates…without the stress of LA traffic. The site is set to launch on Friday, January 22, 2016 at 12 noon PST and will run through February 5, 2016. This website will only run for a limited time a few times a year, including during our Sample Sales, so keep an eye out for it. More details about this site launch to follow in a future blog post!