Donate Your Dress – Feeling generous? Brides Against Breast Cancer is a non-profit organization that accepts bridal gowns from all across the U.S. They sell the donated wedding dresses at greatly discounted prices in their “Nationwide Tour of Gowns” to raise money for children and adults with breast cancer. There are numerous notable non-profits you can donate to just hit that google search.
Preserve it – Can’t let go just yet? That’s alright we got some ideas you may be interested if you decided to keep your dress. Waiting for your your future daughter or daughter-in-law to wear your dress? Then you can preserve it. There are many wedding gown preservation agencies that can restore your dress to pristine condition and store them in museum quality. Check your local city for company listings!
Trash the Dress – Although this may seem far fetched, why not have some fun with the dress you’re probably never going to wear again? Some couples, like this this one (look below) trashed their dress and suit by having an underwater photoshoot! You can put your own unique twist on how you want to trash your dress; either way it’ll be special memory for you and your hubby. There’s one thing for sure though, you’ll have amazing pictures.
Wear it Again on a Random Night Out – So I know this sounds a little weird but hear me out! Imagine getting back into your dress and getting that amazing feeling again. You’ll be sure to turn some heads and make new friends. If you don’t believe me, just check out this article with a bride that did just that here .
Make a Little Dress Out of it for Your Baby – You’ve had the cutest little bundle of joy and now it’s time for their Christening, baptism, first birthday, etc., and you want to make the day very special. Transforming your wedding gown to a dress for your little one would add an unmeasurable amount of sentimental value to the special day.
Let us know what you’ve done with your dresses post best day ever!